4 months ago, Ultamom
Overall good, but room for improvement
Hi, I think this site is pretty good overall, but have found it to be a bit difficult, when trying to communicate certain issues-especially once something, like a sale, has been finaled. I do think the 2 day period we have, to accept an item purchased, is a bit short. I experienced a situation, where I was away for a several days, so I was unable to see my purchase. As it turned out, the 2 day period, had already expired and I was stuck with a broken frame. I think it would be more realistic to have a longer time for approval of purchased items, if possible. It’s difficult to get in touch with “the powers that be”, when strange things/situations arise. Maybe a “chat” button, would be helpful for sellers with questions requiring quick answers to whatever issue arises. I had an issue where I purchased and received an item, but somehow the seller was never paid. I believe I notified Offer-Up, but the situation was never resolved and I’ve no way to get in touch with her. I keep thinking I’ll find another item she has(we have the same taste), but have yet to see any. I believed her seller name was something, but I can’t pull her up by her seller name(which I’ve now forgotten) and had wished there was a way to do that. It would have been helpful. Basically, I owe somebody something and would like to find a way to pay her, but can’t. Thank you for your time. Christine
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